Wild Seed Project tree background image

Books About Native Plant Propagation

Growing and Propagating Wildfowers by William Cullina
This book has extensive propagation and cultivation information and excellent photos on native wildflowers and is a must for aspiring native propagators. Houghton Mifflin Company, ISBN 0-394-96609-4

Growing and Propagating Native Trees, Shrubs and Vines
The woody companion to the above by William Cullina. Houghton Mifflin Company, ISBN 0-618-09858-5

Growing Trees from Seed by Henry Kock
An excellent book by a highly experienced woody plant propagator from the University of Guelph’s Arboretum in Ontario with detailed drawings and information on many species native to Maine. Firefly Books, ISBN 978-1-55407-363-4

Brooklyn Botanic Garden series Starting from Seed
Excellent small publication on growing plants from seed including a chapter called Native Plants: Seeds and Diversity by Heather McCargo. Brooklyn Botanic Garden, ISBN 1-889538-09-4


Design and Other Inspiring Books about Why Native Plants are Important

Native Plants for New England Gardens by Mark Richardson and Dan Jaffe
This book provides provides natural history and growing information for 100 native perennial and woody plant species specifically for gardens and landscapes. Globe Pequot, ISBN 978-1-4930-2925-9

Bringing Nature Home by Doug Tallamy
Probably the most important book you can read to educate yourself on why native plants are important. Timber Press, ISBN-13 978-0-88192-992-8

The Living Landscape by Rick Dark and Doug Tallamy
Excellent photos and information on designing for beauty and biodiversity in a home garden. Timber Press, ISBN 978-1-60469-408-6

Landscaping with Native Trees by Guy Sternberg and Jim Wilson
An excellent ideas book with lots of good cultural information on growing native in urban and rural landscapes. Chapters, ISBN 1-881527-66-2

Brooklyn Botanic Garden Guide A Native Plant Reader
Chock full of interesting native plant essays by a variety of experts in the field. Brooklyn Botanic Garden, ISBN 978-1-889538-80-8

Attracting Native Pollinators by the Xerces Society
An excellent guide on the landscape practices that will create habitat that supports plant pollinators. Story Publishing, ISBN 978-1-60342-695-4

Garden Revolution: How Our Landscapes Can Be a Source of Environmental Change by Larry Weaner and Thomas Christopher
This lushly-photographed reference is an important moment in horticulture that will be embraced by anyone looking for a better, smarter way to garden. Timber Press.

Design in a post-wild world by Thomas Rainer and Claudia West
This is both a post-wild manifesto and practical guide that describes how to incorporate and layer plants into plant communities to create an environment that is reflective of natural systems and thrives within our built world. Timber Press.

Wildflowers of New England: Timber Press Field Guide by Ted Elliman and Native Plant Trust
Wildflowers of New England is for hikers, naturalists, gardeners, and anyone wishing to learn more about the region’s diverse wildflowers, or just wanting to know the answer to “What’s that plant?”


Native Resources
